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Cathodic Protection Technologist (CP3)

Cathodic Protection Technologist (CP3) Certification

The Cathodic Protection Technologist certification indicates knowledge of theoretical concepts and practical application of cathodic protection with a strong focus on interpretation of cathodic protection data, and cathodic protection troubleshooting. This certification is designed for individuals with a heavy engineering/scientific background and extensive working knowledge of cathodic protection, or who have extensive years of field experience with some technical background.

Who should pursue and apply?
This program is intended for persons with extensive field experience and a strong CP technical knowledge who need an understanding of CP design procedures based on an improved knowledge of CP concepts.

CP3 Cathodic Protection Technologist course

The Cathodic Protection Technologist course builds on the technology presented in the Cathodic Protection Technician course with a strong focus on interpretation of CP data, trouble shooting and migration of problems that arise in both galvanic and impressed current systems, including design calculations for these systems. Classroom instruction is comprised of lectures and hands-on training, including using equipment and instruments for CP testing.

Course learning objectives

  • Define activation, concentration, and resistance polarization, and the mathematical expressions of these concepts
  • Recall the factors that affect polarization (area, temperature, relative movement, ion concentration, oxygen concentration)
  • Apply the NACE criteria for CP and make necessary adjustments
  • Identify errors in data collection/CP measurements including contact resistance errors, voltage drop errors, and reference electrode errors where the technologist is employed
  • Determine ideal current distribution for a CP system based on different the affecting factors
  • Apply advanced cathodic protection testing using correct measurement techniques to monitor CP system performance, accurately interpret the data collected to ensure optimum CP system performance
  • Determine corrective action to the CP system if necessary
  • Conduct and document interference tests to determine if DC or AC interference exists, identify the source and implement a method of control to mitigate the effects of stray current
  • Design and install simplistic forms of galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection facilities and perform the necessary mathematical calculations

Course completion

Successful completion of the course is required to earn a certificate of course completion. Requirements are specific to each course and may include a combination of attendance, daily assessments, activities, quizzes, or knowledge checks.



A strong algebra and geometry background, with thorough understanding of unit conversions and scientific notation, is required as a minimum mathematics prerequisite.

A knowledge and understanding of the following material is needed for this course:

  • Electricity: DC electrical laws, series and parallel circuits, and rectifier circuits;
  • Electrochemistry: theory including electrochemical and galvanic series, polarization, Faraday’s Law;
  • Corrosion theory including polarization under different conditions;
  • Cathodic protection: fundamentals, criteria, sacrificial and impressed current equipment including diodes, and different types of power supplies and anodes;
  • Stray current interference;
  • Testing equipment including voltmeters, ammeters, shunts (and calculations), ohmmeters, reference electrodes (and conversions), CP coupons, isolation and soil resistivity equipment.
  • Field tests such as interrupted structure-to-electrolyte potentials, close interval potential surveys, isolation tests, road casing isolation tests, layer soil resistivity, troubleshooting and coating tests